Sunday, September 8, 2013

Postcards: Owl Collection

Yesterday I spent a good chunk of my time inside my apartment doing everything I could think of to avoid doing my homework. I cleaned, did my laundry and then stumbled upon some old premade postcards that Jenny and I had made a few years ago! We would sit in my room for hours cutting up old magazines and making collages onto postcard sized chunks of cardboard and then saving them to mail to each other later! Heres an example of some magazine cutout postcards:

I decided to experiment with watercolors again and make some new postcards in all my procrastination time I had! The owl collection of postcards was my result!

If you want to make your own postcards it's extremely simple! You just need a few things!

  • Thin cardboard or stock paper (I used my roommates old cereal box that was in the recycle pile, but old Kleenex boxes or any other type of stiff paper works well!)
  • Clear packing tape
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • and any other art supplies you might want to use for the front of your postcard. These could include: watercolors, watercolor paper, construction paper, magazines, photos, markers, paint, old wrappers, or anything else you think you can put onto cardboard flat!

After you have glued whatever you want on the front of your postcard, to insure that nothing falls off, take your packing tape and use it as a makeshift lamenter and just go over everything with the tape. I suggest to do the entire postcard when using magazine cutouts. However, on the watercolor ones I just made, since I was just glueing the one piece of watercolor paper onto the cardboard, I only taped the edges down. 

After that you've got yourself some homemade postcards! Just draw a line on the back separating the address side from where you write! Fill them out, slap a stamp on them and pop them in the closest mailbox! Everyone loves getting snail mail, and your friends and family will love your personalized postcards even more! They make for great little decorations on your wall by your desk as well!

This owl collection has inspired me to make more postcards with other animals and objects. Any suggestions on what should come next? 


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