Sunday, September 29, 2013

DIY quote wall hangings

Every room needs a little pick me up when you're feeling down, so I decided to do a little DIY to make sure my room is always cheery!

These little wall signs are perfect for dorms, houses, kitchens, or whatever room you want to add a little joy to!

These are super simple and cheap to make and can be done in about 5-15 minutes.


  1. Find an old cardboard box, I used an empty cereal box. 
  2. Decide what art and quote you want to pair together, then print out the image and text (you can also design your own if you would like!)
  3. Flatten the cereal box and cut it in half, depending on the size of your image, you may need to cut it again
  4. Cut the cardboard and image to the size you want it, then take some mogde podge and glue the back of the image to the cardboard. Wait a few minutes then place the quote where you want it and glue it to the image. 
  5. Once the image is stuck to the cardboard, clean up any edges and cut smaller if desired 
  6. Take tape (I used scotch tape, but would HIGHLY recommend packing tape) and put it over the image to give it a glossy finish, you can also use modge podge to do this
  7. Trim any extra pieces of tape and you are finished 
  8. Hang anywhere in your room to make you smile and make your day a little more cheery (: 

In case you want an idea of how to hang these, I am including a picture of how I incorporated them with my room!

Hope you enjoyed! 

<3 Jenny

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