Wednesday, September 18, 2013

11 Tips for College Freshman


The School year is already underway for a lot of schools, but for those of you who have yet to begin college or just need a little extra advice to ease your way in, here are some tips you can follow to help guarantee an awesome Freshman year!

11 tips for college freshman:

  1. Don't go into Freshman year with expectations, it is more than likely that your experience will greatly differ and you do not want to become disappointed or depressed because of it (This was my biggest mistake coming into Freshman year) 
  2. Always keep your door open. Take this figuratively or literally. Keep your door open so others feel welcome to come in and talk to you, because as weird as it seems this is how I met some of my best friends. Figuratively speaking, never close the window of opportunity, because some of the things you never thought you would do end up being some of the greatest decisions you will ever make.
  3. Don't try to hard to make friends. You will meet so many people the first few weeks it is almost overwhelming, try and get to know these people but don't throw yourself on them because it makes people feel uncomfortable. Invite someone you met in class to lunch at the dining hall, this is how I found my best friend Freshman year! 
  4. Never throw away your values. Fitting in in college can be even harder than in high school, but never throw away the person you are just to please other people. It may seem hard but you are going to find people who like you for who you are, and changing yourself just to get friends is exhausting and not worth your time. 
  5. Know how to time manage. Going out every night may seem fun, but when you are on academic probation or in trouble with your parents, it is not really worth it. It's okay to have fun, but you also need to know how to manage your time between social life and school. Planners are an awesome way to do this and I personally LOVE making To-Do lists because it makes me feel really good when I can cross something off and know that I was productive. 
  6. Try and make friends in classes and get to know your teachers. Everyone says this but it is true, if you have friends in class you are more likely to go to class, but even better, succeed. I met all my friends from class at orientation and I have sat and studied for tests with them ever since. If your teachers know who you are, they are more likely to help you, and it never hurts to be on someone's good side. 
  7. Truly cherish every experience. I honestly miss Freshman year so much because every experience was new and exciting and every day had a new lesson to learn. Whether it be living with random people who later become your closest friends, meeting a new friend at the dining hall, or discovering a new place on campus that soon becomes your favorite study spot, truly cherish all these things and appreciate them while you still can. College is a great experience overall, but Freshman year in my opinion is the absolute best because its the building blocks for the four years to come. Make it a good year and truly appreciate how special and amazing it really is.
  8. Always be willing to help people out. Karma works wonders in college. My floor became best friends and we literally take care of each other like family to this day. I remember once I was sick in the dorms and I was on the verge of tears on the phone with my mom and then I heard a knock on the door and the boy from across the hall had brought me some tea to help my cold. It's little gestures like this that make me love people and I always try and do the same for others because everyone is always so nice to me. 
  9. Actually GO to class. I know, this seems like you shouldn't have to be told this, but once a class seems easy and you realize that all the lectures are online you may feel like the time going to class could be better spent doing hw or watching Netflix.  It's not. Even if its painfully boring teachers often use specific examples from lecture as test questions and some teachers even reward the kids that go to class by telling them test questions! And like we mentioned before, making friends in class is always a bonus! Whether they're strictly study buddy's, a close friend or someone you can just email if you end up being sick one day for notes, half of college is really going to come down to who you know! 
  10. Take advantage of any free or cheap school event! As a senior now I'm still using this tip and I wish I took advantage of more before now! Tutoring centers, career centers, office hours, free movies, Friday night bowling, sports events and more! You should do it all! At nearly any event my school will feed you, so even if you think a guest speaker sounds boring (it probably won't be)  you can always go for the free food! It's seriously always better than the dining hall food! 
  11. Don't go home until Thanksgiving or Christmas. You will get homesick, everyone does. So many changes will be happening all at once and it's hard to deal with, but EVERYONE is going through the same thing! Don't revert back to what makes you comfortable until you've tried your hardest to take in the new experience as much as possible. I can promise you if you're upset because making new friends is hard going home is the worst possible thing you can do to yourself. You can't make friends if you aren't at school! It's tough, I know first hand, but eventually you will make friends if you put yourself out there and your college friends will turn into your new family away from home! 
  12. BONUS TIP! And probably the most important: Just be yourself! Have fun! Try new things! Put yourself out there! Freshman year is the best time because no one knows you, you can be whoever you want to be! And just remember that everyone else is going through the same things you are so bond with them and you can all get through it! College isn't just about learning from class, it's about learning about yourself and you never know, you might surprise yourself! I bet a lot of you are stronger and more independent than you think!
Hope these tips were helpful, and that all you Freshman out there have an absolutely amazing year! <3 

Heres a flackback of both of us our freshman years:

2010, ASU, Lauren. Here I am doing laundry for the first time. I not only called my mom to make sure I was doing it right but I had my neighbor, who I had only known for about a week and a half, checking up on me. But on another note, do any other colleges have washers and dryers that text you when the time is up? Thats what I had in the dorms and I wish ALL of them had that ability because Ill be in my apartment now and still forget that Im doing laundry!

2011, SDSU, Jenny. Move in day! Look at all those shades of pink! Believe it or not, I ended Freshman year with even more bags and boxes, I guess this is when my shopping addiction began. It's crazy to look at this photo and think how much has changed since then! It was definitely an interesting year full of unforgettable memories. Also, can we take a moment and comment on how short my hair is? There is one thing I would have changed about Freshman year! 
Until next time! 

Lauren and Jenny

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