Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Happy Tuesday, or should I say TEA-use-day! (LOL) We have decided to dedicate Tuesdays to my obsession with tea drinks so every Tuesday I am going to share my favorite tea of the week!

Today’s tea of the week is Tazo’s Wild Sweet Orange, which I purchased at Target.

The tea is a mixture of fruity and zesty and tastes great hot mixed with honey, but tastes even more amazing when chilled and mixed with lemonade! I also love to add Torani Strawberry syrup to give it a little added sweetness. 
If you want to try and recreate this refreshing and delicious beverage here is how!
   1.     Put one(or more depending on how much you want to make) packets of Wild Sweet Orange tea in a coffee cup or glass measuring cup
   2.     Boil water and pour it into you cup of tea
 3.     While the water is boiling, take your tumbler, or whatever else you choose to drink your tea out of and pour in some lemonade (The amount may vary depending on how sweet you want it)
 4.     After the all tea is done brewing pour it into the cup of lemonade
 5.  Mix the tea and lemonade together and taste if it is to your liking
6.     Take Torani strawberry syrup and put in about two capfuls or a pump and a half
7.     Mix together and refrigerate for about 20 minutes
8.     Add ice and enjoy!

This tea is so easy to make and is about a fraction of what a similar tea from Starbucks would cost! Not only will this tea impress your stomach and your wallet, but will impress your friends when you show them how delicious and easy it is to make!

Hope you enjoyed and I will see you next Tuesday!

 <3 Jenny 

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